“Bar None – You’re The Best Teachers Around!”
The teachers at Katie’s Kids work hard on a daily basis to help meet our children’s physical, emotional, and developmental needs! This year we will be celebrating Teacher Appreciation Week May 7-11. During this week we would like to take the time thank the teachers and support staff for all that they do to help our children develop!
Since many families lead very busy day-to-day lives, there are various opportunities that allow all of the families of Katie’s Kids to be a part of the week without a lot of work! There will be a donation box available at the front desk for families who wish to make monetary donations for the week’s events. Monetary donations help purchase a special thank you gift for each staff member, and can assist with the week’s food items if needed. Cash or check is accepted! Checks should be made payable to ‘Katie’s Kids’ with ‘Teacher Appreciation’ in the memo line.
As the week nears there were also be sign ups available that allow families to sign up for the provision of designated food items for theme days. There are many ways in which we can provide thanks to the teachers during this very special week, so if you have any connections to the community that may assist in planning please feel free to contact the Teacher Appreciation Committee through Jody (jodyw@katieskids.net).