National Accreditation Commission

accreditation_only_logo-rgbThe National Accreditation Commission for Early Care and Education Programs (NAC) is a national accreditation program that was developed for early care and educational programs that are used to promote professionalism and quality in child care.

Association for Early Learning Leaders

The Association for Early Learning Leaders, formerly known as the National Association of Child Care Professionals is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization committed to excellence by promoting leadership development and enhancing program quality through the National Accreditation Commission’s standards. Since 1984, Early Learning Leaders have been serving childcare directors, owners and administrators.

Goal and Purpose

Early Learning Leader’s goal is to strengthen the knowledge, skills and abilities of early care directors, owners, emerging leaders and other early learning pro­fessionals to ensure quality child care programs for young children. Our primary purpose is:

Networking and Collaboration

Promote and create meaningful collaborative connections among members, other professionals, and national early child­hood organizations.

Training and Education

Provide professional development opportunities to strengthen the leadership skills of administrators and enhance the quality of early learning programs.

Program Quality and Accreditation

Promote quality improvements to achieve and recognize excel­lence in early care and education programs.

Resource Access

Provide access to a variety of quality professional resources impacting the early childhood field.

We achieve this by providing quality services, including professional Membership, program Accreditation, annual national Conference and unique professional development and training opportunities designed specifically for individuals who lead early care and education programs.

National Accreditation Commission for Early Care and Education Programs

The National Accreditation Commission provides a comprehensive ongoing quality improvement system that acknowledges the diversity of programs through the self-study and award process. Over 1,500 early learning programs in 38 states, DC and overseas participate in the Accreditation process. These include but are not limited to university and college campus base