January Notes of Interest @ The Links

January Notes of Interest @ The Links
Infant Rooms
Just a reminder to everyone that our Infant Rooms (Rooms 1, 2, and 3) are SHOE FREE zones. Please do not enter the rooms with your shoes on. This is especially important during the winter months as we do not want dirt, slush, and salt on the floor where babies are crawling. Thank you for your understanding and helping us keep our babies safe and clean.

Spanish Class: Winter Session
The winter session of Spanish begins on January 8th. If you are interested in signing your child up for this session, you can find a registration form on the parent bulletin board in the lobby. Spanish is open to any child over the age of 4 years.

Prep Freeze Cook Fundraiser 
We will continue our Prep Freeze Cook fundraiser in January. Make your evening easier and have someone else prepare dinner for you! Pick up your order form in the lobby. So far, we have raised $330.94 for new preschool tricycles (83% of our goal). Thank you for your continued support!

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