Katie’s Kids Families:
As you are aware, a Developmental Portfolio is prepared for each child that attends Katie’s Kids. These portfolios are yours and will go home with you when you transition from Katie’s Kids. Within these portfolio’s you will find documentation of milestones your child has reached, those they are working towards, examples of work they have created, pictures of their experiences, and much more. We are excited to announce that we have chosen to take the next step forward in purchasing the Teaching Strategies GOLD online assessment system. During our professional development day on February 20th, we will be learning how the online version of this assessment tool works. Through the ExceleRate Program of Illinois, we have been able to purchase iPad’s for each classroom to better utilize this exciting online tool. The benefits of GOLD online are that families will be able to access the online portal and use this as a communication tool between you and your child’s classroom, as well as, see a more consistent and accu-rate way of documenting each child’s development through portfolio pages. Please be on the look out as we will be sharing more information on how you and your family will be able to access your child’s information.
With all of these exciting changes, we have had to increase our annual activity fee to $75 per child to cover the individual cost per child. This fee will be added to your weekly tuition January 9th, 2017.
We appreciate your continued support of Katie’s Kids. It is so exciting to look back at how far we have come in over 10 years and we are thrilled to see where we are headed in 2017! We could not do it with out the support of our families and the good words you put out in the community! Thank you for choosing Katie’s Kids for high quality care for your child(ren).
Katie Stelle-Mardis