Katie's Kid's Events
Latest Past Events
Sharin’ the Green Parade
Uptown Normal 11 Uptown Circle, NormalSharin' the Green Parade March 14 @ 1 pm Uptown Normal Join us in walking in the parade or make it a family event & attend the parade. Make sure to watch for us. This event supports Children and Home and Aid in our community.
Jaycee Christmas Parade 2019
Kingsley Junior High School 303 Kingsley, NormalJaycee Christmas Parade 2019 Saturday, December 7 Meet at Kingsley Junior High Line up at 9:30 AM Parade starts at 10:00 AM This is open to all Katie's Kids Staff and Families. You are welcome to pull a wagon or push a stroller! (and you are also welcomed to decorate the wagon or stroller) We […]
Katie’s Kids Family Cookout @ Fort Jesse
Katie's Kids at Fort Jesse 2003 Jacobssen Drive , NormalFall Family Cookout October 17 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM Backyard of Katie's Kids @ Fort Jesse Rooms 2,3,4 please bring a dessert to share Rooms 1,5,6,7 please bring a side dish to share *Hot dogs, buns, table settings, drinks & s'more fixings will be provided